Hello, may I wish you a very warm welcome to our South Farnborough Junior School website. I hope you find the information you are looking for.
The children are proud to be pupils of South Farnborough Junior School. They have chosen their own values and try their best to live by these values at all times. The children are also encouraged to value themselves, other children, adults and their achievements as well as their environment. As a school we are all immensely proud of all the children achieve.
The Staff, Governors and Leadership Team are dedicated to providing an outstanding learning experience for all whilst also supporting the children to become well rounded, confident children ready for their next stage of learning. The achievement and well-being of our children is at the heart of everything we do; we strive to offer enrichment opportunities within a creative curriculum that interests and stimulates young minds so they make memorable connections. Children here build on their knowledge and develop skills so they can take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in later life.
It is our duty to ensure the children’s years at South Farnborough Junior School are the best they can be for every child. We believe we offer something special to all our pupils as part of our learning community and invite you to see us in action as we continue to move forward. Please do contact our school office if you have any questions or would like to arrange a visit.
Mrs Jenny Byrne
South Farnborough Junior School is a non-denominational Junior School catering for boys and girls from seven to eleven years of age.
South Farnborough Junior School takes the subject of child protection very seriously and has stringent systems and procedures that safeguard our children. The Headteacher is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and there are 5 Deputy DSLs. All staff are regularly trained and the Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Policy are reviewed and updated on an annual basis with staff and Governors. All staff have undergone DBS checks and all volunteers and outside agencies have to have a current DBS check before being able to work within the school.
English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, Design and Technology, Religious Education, Geography, History , PE & Games, Art, Spanish (Modern Foreign Languages), PDL and Music are all taught according to the national curriculum; in addition, there is provision for Peripatetic music teachers who visit weekly to teach violin, woodwind, keyboard and guitar. RE and collective worship follows the guidance given by the Hampshire County Council "Living Difference IV" and educates the children to have a reflective approach to living; promoting respect, understanding and tolerance for those who adhere to different faiths.
More information about our curriculum can be found here
Sporting Aims
All the children are encouraged to participate in sporting activities and have 2 sessions of sport per week. Both boys and girls play a variety of sports such as football, rugby, netball, hockey and rounders at some point during the year. Children in year 3 also have a swimming programme. In addition the school has numerous extracurricular clubs which are run by staff and some by outside agencies.
Assessment and Recording
Both formal and informal assessment is an integral part of our teaching and learning process. Our aims are to diagnose strengths and weaknesses in a child's learning, indicate the next stage in the learning process and to provide information on the experiences and achievements throughout the child's short career.
Educational Visits
The children participate in several school visits each year. Children are also given the opportunity to attend residential trips in years 4 and 6.
School Times
The school doors are open from 8.30am until 8.50am. Registration is at 8.55am and all children should be in class by this time. We have a morning playtime of 15 minutes and lunchtime is 12pm - 1pm for the lower school children & 12:30pm - 1:30pm for the upper school children. School finishes at 3.25pm.
School is open for 6.5 hours per day and 32.5 hours in a typical week. The compulsory attendance hours are 8:55am to 3:25pm. For more information and term dates please click here
Thank you for visiting!