During their time at South Farnborough Junior School, children have the opportunity to take part in musical instrument tuition. This is currently available for children in years 4, 5 and 6.
Lessons are provided during the school day by Hampshire Music Service for the following instruments: Violin, Cello, Trumpet, French Horn, Flute, Clarinet, Guitar and Keyboard.
Lessons currently cost £75 per term, £225 for the year.
Instruments can be hired from Hampshire Music Service if required. For more details please visit their website
Please can all children ensure that their instruments are named and taken home on the same day as their lesson.
If your child is interested in joining a local music ensemble, please click here for more information.
The children should be aware which group they are in and on which day. Please ensure that they bring their instruments and books with them to their lesson.
Mondays - Brass and Woodwind
Tuesdays - Keyboard and Cello
Wednesdays - Guitar and Violin