One of the most valuable ways to measure impact is through formative assessment within lessons and across units. Through skilful questioning, discussions with pupils and analysing pupils’ work, teachers can assess areas of strength and emerging gaps or misconceptions for groups or individuals. Teachers can then adapt their planning to addresses these and drive progress.
At the end of unit, teachers complete assessments of the children against the knowledge and skills for the unit. This helps to inform formative assessment and also provides useful evidence when teachers complete their summative assessments at the end of each term.
Summative assessments are completed for every subject at the end of each term. In order to ensure accuracy and consistency, teachers compare classwork against our assessment descriptors for each subject area as well as testing materials for English and maths to provide and overall grade for each pupil. This helps us to evaluate attainment and progress for individual pupils as well as emerging trends for groups. Where appropriate, additional testing materials may be used to look at individual children’s progress on a smaller scale.
Senior Leaders meet with each class teacher, each term, in Pupil Progress Meetings so that they can track each child’s progress and attainment over time. This allows the senior team to make strategic decisions and plan school priorities for development.
Of course, not all of the impact is quantifiable. In addition to our data, we also consider whether children are displaying positive behaviour and attitudes and whether they are making smooth transitions as evidence of the impact of our curriculum. We use a variety of ways to assess these including a robust monitoring cycle with book looks and learning walks as well as inviting visitors for external validation.