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South Farnborough Junior School

Embracing our values today, to be a successful part of the world tomorrow


Health and Wellbeing

At South Farnborough Junior School, children’s wellbeing is considered a great importance and we would like to help you support your child with this during any period of isolation.


On this page there are links to support your child’s wellbeing and mental and physical health. Keeping active, getting outside (this can just be in the garden), being creative (e,g. baking, art), mindfulness time (e.g. mindful colouring, yoga, meditation), can all help support your child and yourselves.



Try some activities below to help you explore your creativity, relax and unwind.

Before you go to sleep, ask yourself:

  • Who or what made you happy today?
  • How did you make someone else happy?
  • What did you learn today?

Mentally Healthy Schools

A list of resources for schools, parents and children on how to cope with the Coronavirus, school closure and general wellbeing.


Childline Tool Box has a calm zone where you can access activities, breathing exercises, yoga, games and videos on ways to cope and expressing emotion



Action For Happiness produce monthly calendars to support mindfulness



Blissful Kids share mindful game ideas



Babbledabbledo share creative activity ideas


Guided Meditation For Kids

Get creative! Why not create a kindness calendar with an act of kindness that you and your family/friends can do each day!

Have a look at an example below:

Why not let your inner artist self shine and get involved with some fabulous arts and crafts activities? Below are some great ideas:

Here are some lovely mindfulness activities that the whole family can get involved with:


Physical Activities

Remember it is just as important to keep moving as it is to keep thinking and reading. Do a little bit of physical exercise every day! Our bodies need to be looked after as well as our brains! 

The PE Hub

The PE Hub Portal has been launched to support parents in leading simple activities at home. No prior teaching or coaching experience is necessary! Choose from a variety of sessions from pulse-raising activities and challenges to fun games to play in the house.

Cosmic Kids YouTube Channel

Perfect for videos of yoga, mindfulness and relaxation. Designed for children as young as 3!

BBC Supermovers

A website jam-packed with fun videos which link to your child’s learning and getting them moving. This is a firm favourite with teachers! Suitable for children of all ages – this will support their physical health whilst linking to the curriculum so will keep them learning!

Joe Wicks - The Body Coach YouTube Channel

From Monday 23/3/20, Joe Wicks will be posting daily PE lesson style workout routines – perfect to keep your children active! Posting every day at 9am. There’s workouts for kids and adults on this Youtube channel!

Zumba Kids

There’s so many amazing videos on Youtube to check out! If your child loves dancing, check out Just Dance or Zumba Kids tutorials.

Get Set 4 PE - Twitter

@GetSet4PE will be posting a daily active challenge every day on their twitter feed every day of school closures!

Youth Sports Trust - Website

Youth Sports Trust are compiling resources to use at home to support you and your children to stay active during this time. These resources will be updated regularly. 

Click here for Website

GoNoodles - YouTube Channel

Perfect for videos to keep your children moving! They’re entertaining and sometimes quite fun!  They have an 'At home' and 'For families' option where you can access free movement and mindfulness videos.  There’s a massive range on videos available, so check it out. Suitable for children of all ages.

Imoves - Website

Imoves have ‘Active blasts’ including workouts, yoga and pilates

Jump Start Jonny - YouTube Channel

Fun fitness programme for primary schools aims to get kids movin’ for 5-10 minutes a day!



Physical Activity Monopoly



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