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South Farnborough Junior School

Embracing our values today, to be a successful part of the world tomorrow



South Farnborough Junior School admits children from Year 3 to Year 6.  If you are unsure of which year group your child falls in to, you can check here

If you are considering applying for a place at South Farnborough Junior School, you may find the following information useful.  


Please visit the Hampshire County Council webpage for more information on admissions and appeals. 

Year 3 - Applying for a Junior School place in September

For more information on applying for a Year 3 place with a September start - please visit our Prospective Parents page


How do I apply for an in-year transfer?


Academic year 2024-2025 -With agreement of the Local Authority, our current Years 4, 5 and 6 have an Admission Limit of 96.


An in-year admission is when a child needs an immediate school place during the school year.

There are two main reasons for this. You might be moving house or unhappy with your child’s current school.


You can apply for an in-year place up to four weeks before the place is needed.


To make an application, you may do so online via the Hampshire County Council website or contact the school for a paper copy, applications will then be processed by County admissions.  


Once received by the school, you will be notified in writing of the outcome and either be offered a place if there is one available or placed on a waiting list.  

How do I apply for a place in your resourced provision? 

To be eligible to join our resourced provision, children need an EHCP (Education Health Care Plan), and are allocated a place by Hampshire County Council's SEN team. Parents seeking more support for their child in school should speak to their school’s SENDCO in the first instance.

Am I in your catchment area? 

If you would like to check if you fall within our catchment area, please click here



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