Arbor is a cloud based management information system (MIS). Arbor allows us to communicate with you more efficiently and bring all core school data and workflows into one system. Parents/Carers have access to their child's specific information via the Parent Portal or Arbor App.
The Parent Portal and app allows us to keep you informed about your child's life at school in a much more accessible way. Only primary guardians of a child can access the Arbor App. The Parent Portal is a browser based version of Arbor accessible to guardians on a laptop or computer. The Arbor App is the mobile version of the Parent Portal, for use on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets and is available to download on iOS and Android.
Help Guides:
Getting started - Log into the Parent Portal and the Arbor App
The portal allows you to:
Allows you to see basic information about your child. You will also be able to notify us of any amendments via the portal. Student contact details are only available to view by primary guardians who also live with the child.
Help Guide: Seeing and updating my child's information on the Parent Portal or Arbor App
Help Guide: Missing children or siblings on the Parent Portal or Arbor App
The Family, Guardians & Contacts section displays all guardians linked to the student's profile. You can only see and update your own details.
Help Guide: Can parents see other guardian's contact details on the Parent Portal or Arbor App?
Help Guide:
You will be able to view your child's lesson sessions plus any extra-curricular activities such as clubs. (Best viewed via the browser)
You will be able to see a summary of your child's attendance for the current academic year so far and the last 4 weeks. You will also be able to view statistics for attendance marks such as present, absent etc.
Help Guide: Attendance on the Parent Portal and Arbor App
You will be able to give consent if required via the portal rather than completing via a separate form. Any new consents will appear as a notification on the homescreen
You will be able to view your account and make payments for meals and trips via the portal rather than have to log in to a separate system.
As well as email and texts, we will be able to message parents/carers via the portal and app. These are free for the school to send unlike text messages which incur charges.
Help Guide: In-app messages in the Parent Portal and Arbor App