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South Farnborough Junior School

Embracing our values today, to be a successful part of the world tomorrow



"Embracing our values today… to be a successful part of the world tomorrow!”



SENDCo - Mrs Charlotte Jones 


The Intent, Implementation and Impact of our English Curriculum



At South Farnborough Junior School, we value each child as a unique individual. It is our aim that all children, regardless of background, ethnicity or level of need, are supported to achieve their full potential in an environment where they feel safe and valued.


It is our intention that all children have equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum and are supported to thrive by receiving the best teaching and learning possible.


South Farnborough Junior School is committed to providing an education that equips all children with the knowledge and skills to become confident, inquisitive learners who achieve their goals and aspirations ready to make a successful transition to secondary school and then adulthood.


Through our first-quality teaching, planning and provision we:

  • Ensure needs are identified early and support is put into place.
  • Ensure that children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is adapted appropriately to enable success.
  • Enable pupils with SEND to achieve their potential.
  • Ensure pupils with SEND are prepared for adulthood and for life in the wider community.
  • Provide an accessible learning environment which is tailored to the needs of all pupils.
  • Develop children’s independence.
  • Ensure pupils with SEND are assessed, monitored and planned for and regularly reviewed to improve outcomes and progress.
  • Consider the views, wishes and feelings of parents/carers and ensure they are fully engaged in decision making, assessing progress and determining goals.
  • Identify and direct parents/carers to the best providers of support.
  • Gain the views of the child and enable them to have a voice.
  • Work closely with external agencies and other professionals to provide a collaborative approach to support children with SEND.
  • Provide good quality and relevant training and support for all staff working with pupils with SEND.
  • Identify and refer pupils to the appropriate services where a need has been identified.
  • Will support key transition points to allow them to be as smooth as possible.



At South Farnborough Junior School, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. As such, inclusion is a thread that runs through every area of the school, enhanced by collaboration between senior leaders, teachers, support staff, external agencies, parents and most importantly, the child.


We will:

  • Provide first quality teaching, adapted to meet the needs of pupils with SEND.
  • Provide specific 1:1 or group support to enable all aspects of the curriculum are accessible (if necessary).
  • Include pupils with SEND in all aspects of the school day.
  • Work alongside external agencies to develop specific targets/programmes tailored to the child’s individual needs.
  • Respect, acknowledge and value the contributions of all pupils with SEND.
  • Oversee the management and implementation of the SEND policy, ensuring its effectiveness and adjusting it accordingly.
  • Ensure the school’s SEND register is up to date and regularly reviewed, including data on primary need and diagnoses and that this is followed through in line with the Code of Practice suggested procedures (2014) so that every pupil is catered for.
  • Initiate and complete relevant paperwork for:
    • referrals to other services (e.g MHST, EMTAS, PBS, health referrals, Psicon, Speech and Language, OT, Educational Psychologists)
    • Applications for funding (EHCPs, Inclusion)
    • Annual reviews
  • Co-ordinate support for children with special educational needs both at home and in school to ensure a holistic approach.
  • Assist parents/carers and class teachers/support staff when liaising with advisory staff.
  • Make ourselves available to speak with parents/carers in a timely manner and listen to their concerns and follow this up with the SENDCo.
  • Support teaching assistants with training and expertise to ensure the best outcomes for children with SEND.
  • Ensure that records of children with special educational needs are maintained so that any transitions between classes or schools will be smooth and timely.
  • Ensure that the SENDCo will attend courses to keep up to date with current issues, attend regular CPD, research key SEND areas and disseminate relevant information to staff.
  • Ensure that staff CPD needs are kept up to date by contributing to in-service training.
  • Be accountable for our SEND practice by reporting to governors on the progress of SEND and the strategic direction we are taking.
  • Provide a flexible approach to the curriculum for pupils with SEND who may need it.
  • Monitor teaching and learning (through termly pupil conferencing, book monitoring, learning walks and pupil progress meetings) to ensure that the best possible quality of learning takes place.
  • Strive to ensure that children are fully prepared for the next phase of their learning and develop appropriate life skills to increase independence.
  • Prepare children, mentally and socially, for the future.



  • Children at South Farnborough Junior School feel happy, safe and respected.
  • Children have a voice and feel heard.
  • Behaviour is good and diversity is celebrated.
  • Staff are empathic, supportive and compassionate and create effective learning opportunities for all.
  • Children demonstrate high levels of engagement in activities.
  • Children with SEND make good progress from their unique starting points due to the use of resources and small group intervention which meets the needs of the pupils.
  • Teachers are able to speak about children with SEND in their classes and know these children well. They can speak about their strengths and barriers to learning.
  • We have good working relationships with a variety of professionals and experts who we trust to give us the best, up-to-date advice and strategies.
  • We have excellent relationships with parents/carers in order to collaborate fluidly for the benefit of each child.
  • We react to staff’s training needs and requests by sourcing high quality CPD which means our pupils get the best help and support.
  • We have robust transition arrangements for children who move classes or schools to ensure a smooth change in setting, class or school.
  • We receive the latest updates in SEND via the SENDCo, including relevant research and tried and tested methods and strategies.
  • Our team of supportive governors hold us accountable and provide the advice of a critical friend to ensure we are providing the best provision we can.
  • We ensure that all strategic decisions are meaningful and have purpose for the good of SEND pupils.
  • We monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning strategies and will provide support and advice to staff to ensure the highest standards for children with SEND.
  • On leaving South Farnborough Junior School, children with SEND have developed the essential skills required to develop good independence and life skills.

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