Our Governing body is chaired by Mrs Janet Roberts OBE and is made up of:
They meet regularly throughout the year either as a Full Governing Body (FGB) or as a committee.
The committees are:
If you wish to contact one of the school governors you can email them via the following addresses:
Clerk - clerktogov@sfjs.org.uk
Chair of Governors - adminoffice@southfarnborough-jun.hants.sch.uk and mark FAO Chair of Governors
Janet Roberts OBE Co-Chair of Governors (appointed 2023) Co-opted Governor
Term of Office 23/05/23 - 22/05/27 Appointed by FGB | I have been a Governor of South Farnborough since 2010. Three of my grandchildren attended the school and were very happy and successful. I was a Primary Headteacher for 17 years and loved every minute. Therefore I am proud to be a part of another outstanding school helping to develop an enthusiasm for learning and a desire for excellence in the whole community.
Responsibilities / Committees: Finance and Staffing / Pay (Chair) / Performance Management / Child Protection / Pupil Discipline / Curriculum Linked Subject: SEN & English & Science and Safeguarding Governor. Business, personal & pecuniary Interests: None Governance roles in other educational institutions: None Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee): FGB (5/5) 100%, Finance (3/3) 100%, |
Mike Saunders Vice Chair (appointed 2023) Co-opted Governor
Term of Office 23/05/23 - 22/05/27 Appointed by FGB | I joined the governing body in 2003 as a parent governor, I have served as Chair and Vice-Chair during this period. All three of my children attended South Farnborough, they enjoyed their time here and with the wide-ranging curriculum were well equipped for the move on to secondary education. I spent my working life in the construction industry, the last as a senior manager for a regional contractor. I am proud and happy to feel that I am part of an outstanding and inclusive school.
Responsibilities / Committees: Finance and Staffing / Health, Safety and Premises (Chair) / Pay / Performance Management / Pupil Discipline / Staff Grievance, Appeals and Disciplinary Linked Subject: Maths Business, personal & pecuniary Interests: None Governance roles in other educational institutions: None Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee): FGB (2/5) 40%, Finance (3/3) 100%, |
Jenny Byrne Headteacher
| As Head Teacher of South Farnborough Junior School I automatically become part of the Governing Body, but I have also been a Staff Governor here since September 2000 whilst I was Deputy Head. I was also a Teacher Governor in my last school. As the school’s Head teacher, I report to the Governors at each meeting about all aspects of school life – safeguarding, finance and staffing, Curriculum, Buildings and Grounds, Safeguarding and Attendance as well as the quality of provision. I believe that strong links between staff, parents, community members and governors is key to the success of a school. Away from school, I have two children one in Year 11 and one at University and my husband works in the Computer Games industry.
Responsibilities / Committees: Finance and Staffing / Health, Safety and Premises Business, personal & pecuniary Interests: Employed at school as Headteacher Governance roles in other educational institutions: None Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee): FGB (5/5) 100%, Finance (3/3) 100%, |
Greg Lines Staff Governor
Term of Office 29/11/23 - 28/11/27
Appointed by Staff | I have been teaching at South Farnborough Junior School for 11 years, since I qualified as a primary teacher. I care deeply about the engagement of children in their learning and strive to make my classroom a place of fun and challenge. Before becoming a teacher, I gained experience working in the computer games sector, for Electronic Arts, coordinated mail order campaigns for the Royal Academy of Arts and even managed a musical instrument wholesale company. I felt that after 11 years, I wanted to represent the staff as a governor and gain further insight into the way a school works outside the classroom. I hope that as part of this team of governors, I can input into the strategic vision of the school and lend my experiences and opinions to help SFJS continue to be both a wonderful place to work and the perfect place for children to learn
Responsibilities / Committees: Curriculum Business, personal & pecuniary Interests: Employed at school as a class teacher Governance roles in other educational institutions: None Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee): FGB (4/4) 100%, |
Anthea Dwyer Co-Chair of Governors (appointed 2023) Co-opted Governor
Term of Office 14/05/21 - 13/05/25 Appointed by FGB due to no election candidates | I am delighted to be a parent governor and I have a child in Year 4. I have spent my entire life devoted to theatrical arts, initially studying dance before moving on to classical singing. I obtained a Bachelor of Music degree in Manchester and enjoyed the next 10 years as a professional opera singer, performing across the UK and overseas. Since 2003, I have been a private singing teacher in Farnborough and I also teach at the Junior Royal Academy of Music in London, where I coordinate the vocal department. At my daughter’s infant school, I helped with the musical performances and developed a 10 week music programme called “Clap Together 123”, which I taught to the Year 2s at that time. I am very passionate about the importance of music in education and am keen to help as much as I can in this specialised area and any others that are required.
Responsibilities / Committees: Curriculum, Safeguarding Linked Subject: Music, Spanish and Safeguarding Governor. Business, personal & pecuniary Interests: None Governance roles in other educational institutions: None Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee): FGB (5/5) 100%, |
Peter Bassett Co-opted Governor
Term of Office 03/06/22 - 02/06/26 Appointed by FGB | I have been a Governor at the school since May 2018. I live near the school, which had great reports, so was an easy choice. My parents were teachers but I joined the Rail industry and was always interested in education and enjoyed training others. As an accountant, I helped Managers look after their department's money. On retirement, I wanted to be involved in the community so took on voluntary roles as an Adviser at Citizens Advice, looking after our neighbourhood watch scheme and working on the Watercress railway which includes helping to run our educational program for Junior Schools. I'm married (a teacher) with three children plus four grandchildren.
Responsibilities / Committees: Finance and Staffing (Chair) / Forum Rep Linked Subject: Geography and Diversity. Business, personal & pecuniary Interests: None Governance roles in other educational institutions: Governor at Southwood Infants Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee): FGB (5/5) 100%, Finance (3/3) 100%, |
Jarrod Travers Co-opted Governor
Term of Office 28/03/23 - 27/03/27 Appointed by FGB | I have lived in Farnborough for over 22 years and all four of my children have attended South Farnborough Junior School. For the last 9 years I have worked as head of operations for a multinational corporation, handling performance, relations, and contracts with a diverse range of businesses. Being a co-opted governor, I bring my work experience to the table to help the school get the most out of its suppliers and business relations. I'm keen for the children to develop their self-reliance, confidence, and ability to work individually and in a team through art, sport, and technology.
Responsibilities / Committees: Staff Grievance / Appeals and Disciplinary / Health, Safety and Premises Linked Subject: Art, Design Technology and Computing Business, personal & pecuniary Interests: None Governance roles in other educational institutions: None Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee): FGB (3/5) 60%, Health & Safety and Premises (1/3) 33% |
Karen Rumbold Co-opted Governor
Term of Office 07/07/20 - 06/07/24 Appointed by FGB | I have lived in Farnborough for 26 years and having previously taught in Guildford, have been at South Farnborough Junior School for most of my teaching career. I have taught in Year 3 and 4 and had many different roles and responsibilities, I was a SENDCo for most of my time here. My son went through the school and I am proud of the inclusive ethos he was able to experience here and the excellent grounding he received. As my son is a drummer, starting lessons here at school in Year 4, my main interest outside school is live music! South Farnborough Junior School is such a happy and challenging place to work in, with excellent relationships between governors, staff and children. I enjoyed my role as SENDCo and worked hard to support children's development in any way I could. I have been a Governor for many years and have watched the school grow and continue to improve in so many ways over the years, always with a dedicated and enthusiastic team.
Responsibilities / Committees: Curriculum Linked Subject: RE and PDL. Business, personal & pecuniary Interests: None Governance roles in other educational institutions: None Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee): FGB (4/5) 80%, |
Calum Stewart Local Authority Governor
Term of Office 21/05/24 - 20/05/28 Appointed by LA | I was delighted to join South Farnborough as a Local Authority Governor in October 2019. I have lived in Rushmoor all my life, and have served on the Borough Council since May 2019. I was elected aged 25 and, as one of the Borough's youngest councillors, therefore take a keen interest in education and young people. Outside of my role as a Councillor, I also work in politics - specialising in community engagement and outreach. I sit as Trustee for local care home Devereux House, and Rushmoor Citizens Advice. I look forward to helping this already outstanding school go from strength to strength.
Responsibilities / Committees: Finance Linked Subject: History Business, personal & pecuniary Interests: None Governance roles in other educational institutions: Governor at The Wavell Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee): FGB (2/5) 40%, Finance (2/3) 66% |
Emily Gomes Co-opted Governor
Term of Office 29/11/23 - 28/11/27 Appointed by FGB | I am very happy to have recently joined the School Governing Body at SFJS. I have been working at the School since 2018, in my professional role as a Child & Adolescent Counsellor and Psychotherapist. I am committed to supporting children with their social and emotional wellbeing and have experience of working in a variety of Schools in this capacity, including schools in: Croydon, Southwark, Bagshot, Frimley and Farnborough. I am particularly keen to ensure that all children are safeguarded well and can fulfil their full potential whatever their background, special educational needs or disabilities. Therefore, I feel dedicated to continuing to support the warm, caring and nurturing environment SFJS creates for each pupil, as part of a team of dedicated Governors.
Responsibilities / Committees: Curriculum Business, personal & pecuniary Interests: Employed by the school as a counsellor Governance roles in other educational institutions: None Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee): FGB (2/3) 66%, |
Rachel Smith Parent Governor
Term of Office 19/04/24 - 18/04/28 Elected | I joined the governing body in 2024 as a parent governor. I have three children, two who currently attend SFJS and the third waiting in the wings. I qualified as a teacher of Physical Education in 2007 and been teaching in secondary schools ever since, while also taking on roles of Deputy Year Leader, Year Leader, Associate SLT, Transition Leader and Senior Mental Health Lead. Although my degree is within Physical Education I also teach a bespoke PSHE/life skills curriculum at my current school along with Mathematics. I am dyslexic and proud of all I have achieved, this additional need spurs me on more to ensure all young people strive to be the best they can be in everything they do. I have a passion for young people and them leaving education as a well rounded person and not just a result sheet, I value the work and commitment which goes into the running of schools, and I am very excited to be a part of the governing body within the Junior School. Alongside my teaching, I am a ‘retired’ basketball player and current proud Football, Drama, Rugby, and Cricket Mum! As a very local resident to SFJS, I want to give something back to the community within this outstanding school.
Responsibilities / Committees: Business, personal & pecuniary Interests: Governance roles in other educational institutions: Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee): |
Melissa Southan Parent Governor
Term of Office 19/04/24 - 18/04/28 Elected | I’m extremely excited to start my role as parent governor at SFJS having worked in an education setting for over 18 years. My Community Manager role at Wavell and now Samuel Cody School has allowed me to make key contacts in the local community, bring in additional income for the school and provide facilities to local clubs and groups. I’m extremely passionate about SEN, having been on a number of courses as a parent and from my current time at Samuel Cody. Working with vulnerable children makes you realise how important your role in a school can be, and that small things can make a big difference. I'm an avid football fan and I love watching football on TV and at football grounds/stadiums, whether it is in the premier league or my local club. I've recently joined a local choir and I am loving the challenge of taking part in something that is very new and far more technical than I imagined.
Responsibilities / Committees: Business, personal & pecuniary Interests: Governance roles in other educational institutions: Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee): |
Previous Governors - Date term of office ended.
The Governing Body has adopted Hampshire County Council’s Manual of Personnel Practice. Policies & Procedures included in this manual are: Staff Discipline; Statement of Procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff; Performance Management and Capability; Whistleblowing. These policies are updated by the Local Authority, and where a policy has statutory status, the regularity of review is compliant with legal requirements.
The Governing Body has adopted the Freedom of Information publication scheme which can be found via this link https://ico.org.uk/media/for-organisations/documents/1153/model-publication-scheme.pdf
Please click on a link below to view the documents